Monday, July 1, 2019

Tiny-Might and the Mechanical Horse

Welcome back to The Turn-Up Patch!   I took a break from my blog for personal refreshment and to gather new material in photos and words to share with you.  I hope you will continue to visit my site as we begin anew.....

I'd like to introduce you to a little bird with a lot of resourcefulness and spunk.  This bird caught my attention with her loud chattering and flying back and forth to the deck of the house.  What really peaked my interest is that she would fly over to the mechanical riding horse situated on the deck.  I call her 'Tiny-Might' because she is bold with purpose and doesn't hesitate to scold if we get too close to her domain, being the horse.  She  usually carries a small twig or stem in her beak as she flies from fence-post to fence-post, making her way to the house.  Trying to be invisible, I would wait on the deck for her and try to take some photos as she would fly to her horse.  She became used to my presence and I was able to capture a few pictures as she made her way first to the reins and then to the bit.

the rein
the bit
It occurred to me that Tiny-Might was building a nest but where???   When she flew away, I grabbed a flashlight and looked deep into the horse's mouth and noticed a few twigs that were tucked way behind the bit.  Now how did she ever discover such a place to build a safe haven to hatch out baby birds.  It's not a very glamorous photo of an old hobby horse's mouth, but if you look close enough, you will spot a twig or two in the darkness behind the bit.

This is an unfolding story.  Of course the mechanical horse will not be in operation for awhile.  It  definitely has another purpose by providing shelter for a little bird's ingenuity in her quest to nest.

                                                                Join me back at the Turn-Up Patch in two weeks.  
Since we will be celebrating July 4th this week, have a blessed one with family and friends in remembrance.....