Thursday, July 18, 2019

Horse Insight

My last post was about the mechanical horse that housed some baby birds for a short time. Once hatched, they quickly found their wings and eventually escaped the nest, all under the protective care of Mama bird that I called 'Tiny-Might'.  She was constantly flying back and forth to forage and feed her little ones and quick to scold me if I came too close.  Since the bird family has left, I rather miss my little friend and her scolding chatter.

Life has a way in defining moments whether it is a hobby horse with birds on the porch to real horses with humans in the pasture.  Here are several photos of them in their personal gathering.  Since horses are herd animals, you usually find them in a group.  They form attachments within their own species as well as with other animals and humans in companionship.

They also have an inquisitive nature as evidenced by their curiosity to check out the ATV vehicle we were in.  We kept our distance but they did not.  These beautiful animals decided to find out what this peculiar red object was all about that made noise and had two oddly shaped creatures in it that could make their own noise!  However, they are familiar with the human hand that has cared for them.

Have you ever wondered about the placement of the horse's eye?  That is a whole study in itself but I will give you a short explanation since horses are categorized as a prey animal.  They have some of the largest eyes of any land animal and are located on the side of their head for wider range of vision.  Eyesight is at nearly 360 degrees and have blind spots only in the immediate front and behind their bodies.  They have the ability to use monocular vision (both eyes used separately) and binocular vision (having two eyes arranged to produce 3 dimensional vision).  That is the physical aspect of their sight.  Horse lovers can attest to the eye in the soul of a horse that is intuitive, instinctive and responsive.  The meaning of  'becoming one with the horse' is all about connection  between a human and horse in a bond of trust and love.  This is a shadow of a simple spiritual principal... relationship in connection of becoming one with God in the bond of trust and love.

Until next time at The Turn-Up Patch.... check back in a few weeks for more words and photos.  I leave you with a quote from Peter Gray that states..."We have almost forgotten how strange a thing it is that so huge and powerful and intelligent an animal as a horse should allow another, and far more feeble animal, to ride upon its back."

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