Monday, January 14, 2019

Redemption, Humpty Dumpty and Kintsugi

The post today is based on several scriptures.... 'Yet you, LORD, are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand' - Isaiah 64:8  and another.... 'You have turned things upside down, as if the potter were regarded as clay.  Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, "He did not make me"?  Can the pottery say of the potter, "He has no understanding"? - Isaiah 29:16

The first scripture is in recognition by the created unto the Creator for forming humankind and making man and woman in His own image as described in Genesis.  The second scripture presents a dichotomy as it is in opposition to the Creator by the created.  Pride and rebellion entered humanity through influence of darkness and thought themselves to be as God.  Conflict began in the garden of Eden and continues to this current day.  Humanity became flawed, broken and much damage is done to one another and to oneself in the battle of good vs evil.

The nursery tale of Humpty Dumpty who sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the king's horses and all the king's men, Couldn't put Humpty together again. Quite the situation of mankind.  But God in His wisdom and love already had a plan to put His beloved humanity back together again.  According to scripture, God sent His only Son to take on the flesh of humanity, yet containing the spiritual embodiment of His Father. We call Him, Jesus - this King of Kings and Lord of Lords who can put a broken vessel back together again.

Redemption comes to us on an individual basis to choose or not to choose.  By the Spirit of God, we can be made whole again in constant restoration.  There is a Japanese art of fixing broken pottery called Kintsugi that means golden repair.  It is the centuries-old Japanese art of joining broken pieces of pottery with a lacquer dusted in powdered gold, silver, or platinum.

There is a unique appearance to each individual piece of pottery.  Fractures and breaks are seamed together and makes the repaired piece beautiful and revitalized with new life.  And so it is with  Divine fusion that can restore and give new life to a broken vessel.
Come!  I invite you to join me at The Turn-Up Patch in two more weeks for my next posting on Monday, January 28....


  1. I love this! What unique artwork and demonstration that God can create beauty with our broken lives!

  2. So true! Kintsugi is a great illustration of God's grace and redemption in repairing damaged humanity if one so chooses....
