Monday, October 28, 2019

Beauty in Rock Formations

Travels in October took us through parts of Idaho, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado and Texas.  We made this whirlwind trip in eight days.  Since there was not much time for stopping and taking photos along the way, I took most of my photos through the window of a moving pickup truck with an iPhone camera.  Since the movement of the truck was not smooth, I was impressed with the quality and clarity that this tiny camera produced in photos.  Rock formations of color and grain was impressive as the highway curved in and out of the terrain.  Some of the scenery seemed similar to the fossil beds we have in eastern Oregon.   My collection of photos on this trip was extensive and it was difficult to pick out just a few to share with you in this post.

It would take a study in itself as to what caused these rock formations millions of years ago.  The evolving process in nature is a marvel to behold and these formations are a testament to forces that defined them.  Each was unique and had their own personality in appearance.

The formations generate a sense of mystery and respect as one considers the passage of time and elements involved in such creations.  They remain unmoved as life cycles around them as it has done throughout the centuries in history.  There is 'rock' symbolism in the bible and used figuratively as the Rock in reference to Jesus for protection, strength, refuge, foundation, salvation.  Rock speaks about the nature of God who is solidly unchangeable in His ways and justice.   There is a line in the hymn Rock of Ages that says... "Lord, you are our rock.  Let us hide ourselves in thee."

Until we meet next time at The Turn-Up Patch.... here is a quote by Thomas Jefferson, "In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock".