Monday, April 23, 2018

The Pinnacle and The Shepherd

One of many descriptive names given to Jesus is that of the Good Shepherd.  Various paintings depict the artist's interpretation of Christ as the Shepherd.  This particular one is rather powerful in explaining scripture in such a visual way.  As you look at this sheep alone and helpless on a pinnacle of rock, you can see fear in its inability to move for there is danger all around.  There is a paralysis of movement in such a frightening and seemingly hopeless situation.  A staff is being lowered by the shepherd to bring the animal to higher ground and safety. 

The shepherd's staff has two significant purposes .... (1) as a longer arm used to reach and catch .... (2) the curve or crook on the staff facilitates recovery of fallen animals.  The staff is symbolic of care in particularly difficult circumstances.

Obviously, the lone sheep is distressed in apparent separation and danger.  As humanity is likened to sheep, how often do we find ourselves in situations of peril that come from our own making or life's circumstances that entrap with no obvious escape.  We can become crippled emotionally, spiritually and yes, even physically if we remain in harms' way.  The Good Shepherd is always on guard in His provision of safety for His flock.   His reach defies the chasm of consequence.  His compassion is accessible to all in redemption out of ensnarement, placing you in His green pasture to nourish and restore.  Ezekiel 34:16 - I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak....

Take time out to view this video on Psalm 23 and sink deeply into the meaning of these words.  This is how our Lord and Savior would have us live as we allow Him to be the Good Shepherd over all our days....

You can also watch it on this link....

You are invited to view my next posting at The Turn-Up Patch on Monday, May 7th....

Monday, April 9, 2018

Faith and Time Capsules

Two weeks ago, I wrote about the unblemished love of God.  A love so perfect that it lays beyond the grasp of humanity in comprehension. In our limited awareness, it takes faith to walk into the mysteries of God without fully understanding.  "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known." - 1 Corinthians 13:12

This scripture itself can be deemed a mystery, that our Creator God knew us before we were ever formed. He knew us - we were fully known - each one, before our time in life came into fruition on the earth.  He is the past, present and future and our existence lies somewhere in time capsules of living moments on earth.  As we struggle to search out God and know His ways, He has perfect knowledge of mankind, individually and collectively.  Faith is necessary to believe in the Divine, for God is beyond humanity's limited capacity in formulating His Being.  This commodity of faith brings us into the spiritual realm of revelation, where we begin our journey in knowing God in part.

We do have tangible expressions of God through His visible creations in all diversity.  From the depths of the universe with its multiple galaxies to our planet earth - all proclaiming the work of His hands in magnitude of His glory.   And He is so much more....

Come! and join me at The Turn-Up Patch for my next posting on Monday, April 23rd.   Until we meet again....