Monday, July 30, 2018

Marvel of Moon & Mars

It was a thrill to be a part of the July 27th Blood Moon and Mars experience.  Here in Grant County, we had a supermoon minus the red color.  However, it was super brilliant with no clouds or smoke to obscure. We, in the Americas, were not privileged to witness the eclipse of the moon or blood moon as viewed in other parts of the globe. There is no need to go into all the scientific information as to why the moon turns red and to the occurrence of the eclipse itself.  You can check out this data yourself on the information highway on the internet.

In simplicity, there were beautiful moments to capture on camera as the moon rose from behind the surrounding hills and made its ascent into the heavens.  That's how it appeared to this earthling.  The lighting gives each photo a distinct personality because of time-lapse between each shot.

Characteristic of the moon, the above shot shows more definition on the surface in colored markings.  Even though we did not see the red hued or blood moon as it is called, it was still a wondrous moon to gaze upon. What was equally or more exciting than the moon, was the visible planet of Mars that appeared below the moon.  This is the closest approach to earth in 15 years, the last was in 2003.

In the above picture, you can see Mars by the tiny red orb towards the bottom right as you look at the photograph.  It appeared as a brilliant star to the naked eye but as I used the zoom on my camera, the red color became more apparent.  Since the zoom range is limited on my camera, the planet itself is limited in size.  But I was still happy to actually capture Mars in my photo. The next closest approach will be on October 6, 2020 and the next super-close opposition will be in September 2035.  Way into the distant future, Earth and Mars will have another record-breaking meetup in the year 2287 (according to experts), when the two will be about 34,760 million miles apart.

I won't be around for that event but I fancy being with the Creator of all these celestial wonders and as scripture says, when that time comes, I shall fully know and not just in part...(1 Corinthians13:9,10).  In the meantime, I salute my heavenly Father for all the marvels He has made and what a Marvel He Is!! - "How great Thou art"

Join me at The Turn-Up Patch for our next visit on Monday, August 13th...