Monday, April 11, 2016

Beyond the Fog

The season is in change as we move into early Spring when buds and blossoms appear.  The color green is everywhere on pastures and hillsides alike, transforming the landscape in evidence of new life from the dullness of winter.  Fog has appeared at varied times as cold and wet meets with the warming earth in atmospheric struggle.  I took the below photos recently as the film of fog gives off its own beauty.  Dried weeds from last year took on their own form of beauty cloaked in droplets of frozen water as the fog lifted.

Fog is described as an obscuring haze - water vapor as clouds lying close to the ground limiting visibility.  It covers and envelopes what lies beyond.  In unfamiliar surroundings, particularly driving,  it can be a source of anxiety and confusion when the fog cloud is so thick, it blocks what is immediately ahead.  This brings to mind several scriptures that can be related to a spiritual fog that requires a guiding influence....

"I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear" (John 16:12)  Jesus came from the Author of Wisdom, Knowledge and Truth - He had complete awareness of things past, present and future.  He could only share a fragment of this understanding to His disciples - they were limited in comprehension.  This particular scripture goes on to say that the Spirit of Truth comes and will guide.  As time has progressed, the fog shifts and lifts, so we catch glimpses of the Eternal, but only in degrees of perception.

"Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.  All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely" 
(1 Corinthians 13:12).   In the next verse of this scripture passage, it states that three things remain - faith, hope and love, the greatest being love.  

It takes faith to venture forth in the fog - to believe  in the mystery of God Himself.  It takes hope to inspire  when we can only partially see in His mystery.   It takes love to fuel  faith and hope in becoming complete, and the mystery of God is no-more and we see face to face.

Thank you for visiting the Turn-Up Patch.  Please drop by again!  See you again on Monday, April 25...

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