Friday, June 12, 2020

The Tapestry and the Golden Thread

As I look back through the years, I notice a common thread interlaced through each and every stage of my life.  Golden in the love of God, this thread has weaved time together throughout infancy, early childhood to older adolescence and adulthood, middle age and into senior years. He knew my name before I came into existence.  He knew at which time in the passage of my years that I would awaken unto His reality.  He knew when I would come to view Him as my Savior and Source of life, called to be His own.  Filaments within His thread are forgiveness, grace and mercy meant to shield a life from becoming raw and unprotected. There are other filaments that give strength in healing and hope bringing peace and assurance.

God is Creator and He made His own tapestry that we call creation in all its forms.  Our own beings are also a tapestry in the interaction with His creation called life.  His golden thread interlaces all the defined moments lived in and lived out.   Family, friends, desires, obligations, purpose, pursuit and choices are patterned within a personal life journey.

There is a beautiful quote by William Stafford called  'The Way It Is'....   There's a thread you follow.  It goes among things that change.  But it doesn't change.  People wonder about what you are pursuing.  You have to explain about the thread.  But it is hard for others to see.  While you hold it you can't get lost.  Tragedies happen; people get hurt or die; and you suffer and get old.  Nothing you do can stop time's unfolding.  You don't ever let go of the thread.

 I hope you will check back at The Turn-Up Patch for a future visit with words and photos...


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