Wednesday, April 15, 2020

New Life and COVID-19

Much has happened since I wrote my last post on March 23rd.  As all of you know, the world is in crisis due to the Corona-virus.   I won't elaborate on this insidious disease that has basically shut the world down in quarantine, death and disarray.  It seems we just celebrated the Christmas season a few short months ago, unaware of the impending disaster coming in a form of a tiny viral droplet.  By now, we have seen the effects of COVID-19 both on the human body and on the world's economic system.    In a matter of days, our lives have moved from the familiar routine of work, school, social interaction to a surreal change in restricted living.   It is a lesson not to take our freedoms for granted when we are temporarily deprived to move about and do as we please.   Churches are shut down and that was particularly difficult during this Easter season where, as believers, we could not gather to celebrate our Risen Lord.   We could gather and join any number of virtual services that TV networks offered to the faithful, and that was a blessing.   I am reminded that the Presence of God does not reside in a building but rather within the hearts of people who become the "living church".  Union with God does not require a structure of sticks and stones but rather a temple of flesh wherein Love sets up an eternal home in relationship.  The Hallelujah of Christ can be celebrated anytime and anyplace within the heart.

Eventually, the world will return to a type of quasi-normal while experts move towards a vaccine discovery.  That will happen and hopefully, mankind can live in a better tomorrow in all ways.  Meanwhile, nature seems normal.  Birds are still singing, geese still flying, trees still budding and beautiful sunrises and sunsets.  A photo to share with you that tells it's own story....
New life springing from rocky ground

Until next time, join me at The Turn-Up Patch.  I leave you with a great saying to live by during these present times.... "Fear does not stop death.  It stops life.  And worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles.  It takes away today's peace."


1 comment:

  1. During this disturbing time, pictures of our natural world are calming and help to keep everything in perspective! God IS in control and offers Mercy, balance, healing and forgiveness!
