Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Kept in Embracing Love

To be kept by God!  A powerful concept that can influence a life by living in that reality.  What does it mean to be kept?  It implies in simple meaning to be held, sustained, preserved and saved.  The very notion of being kept has the connotation of ownership. Some rebel at that idea because our very nature does not like to be owned by anything or anyone.

It is amazing that God in His infinite knowledge, knew His own before they ever came into existence. He knew who would turn to him and who would seek to become His own.  It is a refuge to be kept by God as we journey through a world that has chaos and rebellion.  It is a spiritual oasis where we are refreshed and nourished in His embracing love, forgiveness, grace, mercy, peace where joy, hope and healing are found.  Our souls become soothed and infused in new life.

In the photo below, the sky was full of billowing clouds illuminated by the sun breaking through the formation. If you look closely, you will see the sun as a round orb encased in blue with surrounding light.  It was awesome to actually see the sun without being blinded by its light.  It also was a reminder that God draws us out of blindness to be kept by His illuminating Light in the navigation of life.

Thank you dear Lord for Your protective and keeping power, both known and unknown - spiritually, physically and in the deepest part of our soul.  I am grateful that we are each called to be Your own.... that is Your will.  We only need to respond out of our will in saying yes back to You.

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