Monday, March 25, 2019

A Moon for the Season

We 'earthlings' have been privileged to have three super-moons grace our skies during the first three months of 2019.  Perhaps where you live, you were able to view each one.  In January and February, clouds and stormy weather obscured Grant County from any visibility due to stormy cloud cover.  However, last week on March 20th, we were actually privileged to see the Super Worm Moon. Surprise for our area!  It was an actual viewing delight since there was little cloud cover both in the early morning and evening hours.  To caption what a super worm moon is about....
          - moon is called super when it is closest to earth in its orbit, making it appear large and brighter.
          - the full moon in March is always known as the "worm moon" because it marks the time of  year when earthworms begin to come out in the soil.

These first two photos were taken during predawn hours of March 20th as the moon was setting in the west before it disappeared into the horizon.

This year's Super Worm Moon also falls on the day of the Spring Equinox for the first time in 19 years.  Simply put, the Spring Equinox means the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere.  How wonderful to have spring ushered in with the Super Worm Moon.  It's been a rough winter in many places and the promise of spring brings eagerness for warmer weather and nature's renewal.

The below photos were taken during the evening hours on March 20th.  The clouds came into play in the night sky that seemingly danced around the moon.  It lent an artistic quality as if a painter's brush touched the canvas of the sky in a unique cosmic design.

As you look at these photos, I challenge you to find noise.  The discernible noise could be found in our own thoughts but that is separate from the actual scenes in these pictures.  Mother Teresa said this, "We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness.  God is the friend of silence.  See how nature - trees, flowers, grass - grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls." 

I hope you will return to The Turn-Up Patch in two weeks for our next time together on Monday, April 8...

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