Monday, August 12, 2013

The Glass

Many of you are familiar with the scenario of the glass and about attitude as to how we view our experiences in life. Several philosophical theories have been developed about the glass, which can contain liquid, being full or half-filled, or remaining empty.    The following illustrations give the varied narratives about the glass....

Regarding the theme of the glass, it promotes the idea of a school of thought, whether it is towards pessimism, optimism, opportunity, a realist or an enlightened moment.  Here are some of the underlining forces that can determine how one lives their life either for growth and increase or loss and stagnation:
1.  Choice
2.  Perspective
3.  Personal Filter
4.  Life Experience
5.  Influence
6.  Gratitude or lack of
7.  Belief System
8.  Counting Blessings

There is a scripture in Philippines 4: 12, 13, which states:  
"I know what it is like to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty.  In any and all circumstances, I have learned the secret of being well fed and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need.  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me".   
The secret that Paul is referring to is the secret of contentment, whether his glass in life was half full or half empty or completely full or completely empty.  His station in life did not account for his happiness or contentment.  This secret was His reliance on One who was beyond himself.  He discovered an 'alive' God who became his sustaining strength throughout the good times and the bad, and yes, the empty times as well.  One of the meanings of contentment is to have a peace to dwell in.  It would be wonderful to reach a maturity level to walk through the sunshine and storms of life where inner peace is not disturbed.  As Philippines 4:7 says, "and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus."

In looking through images of the glass, I discovered this one that really has something to say.  The glass is shown half filled but it is full of the winged presence of butterflies and doves, both representative of renewing life through God's Holy Spirit.  You can look at the photo below and see out of your own personal perspective.  To me, it becomes my life (the glass), which is full of possibilities and purpose.  His Divine Life flowing within me should not be obstructed by whatever circumstance I find myself in.  God's Presence breaks the barriers of circumstance, and becomes an outward expression of an internal state of being.  I discover peace in the progression of Life within 'the glass'.

Until next Monday, see you again at the Turn-Up Patch.  In the meantime, have a great week and  may you be blessed with contentment and peace as only God can bring.......

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