Monday, November 20, 2017

Living in Thankfulness

Thanksgiving!  A time to count your blessings; a time to reflect and to be grateful for the little and the big things that are in our lives.  Here in eastern Oregon, there are so many ways to be thankful - from fresh, clean air to surrounding scenic beauty.  Caring communities that offer a more simplistic way of life than the hustle and bustle of city living.  The years have passed quickly since we first arrived in Grant County.  The pace was slower then and still slow today.  We still have a two lane highway without hectic freeway traffic.  The populations of the towns that line the John Day Valley remain close to the same as it was some 40 years ago.  I wasn't sure I could adjust to small town living since I was a city girl and used to the excitement and variety of interests that city life offered.  As time went on, I discovered the richness of country life that offered challenges and growth in unexpected ways.

I came to appreciate the spectacular skies that offer a kaleidoscope of color that range in storm clouds to sunrise and sunsets.  As a photographer,  you need your camera on hand at any given moment to capture the sheer immense of glory that exists in the panorama of heavenly movement changing from moment to moment.  

Every day contains elements in one form or another to be thankful, no matter how big or small in blessings.  It can be viewing an incredible sunset or hearing children's laughter.  It is appreciation in knowing that we can still experience freedom to live, to worship, to pursue dreams... that we can gather to enjoy family and friends.  Most of all, that we can take time out to pause and express thankfulness to the One who is beyond our humanity, our blessed Creator.  It is in these precious still moments, that thankfulness lifts us into the presence of God.  

We celebrate Thanksgiving Day on Thursday of this week in the United States.  Since 1863, it has been declared a federal holiday when President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens".  The entire proclamation shows one man's acknowledgement and unwavering belief in God Almighty. You can read this moving Proclamation of Thanksgiving  that Lincoln wrote on October 3, 1863 at this link...

Please return to the Turn-Up Patch in two weeks for another post.  See you again on Monday, December 4th....

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